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VÖR Carbon Reduction Planning

Strategic Carbon Reduction Planning for a Sustainable Future

A Carbon Reduction plan is an essential tool for businesses to understand how their emissions impact on environmental, economic, regulatory, reputational, and operational activities. A comprehensive plan will guide an organisation to make the changes that will improve environmental responsibility, drive regulatory compliance and economic benefits whilst promoting reputation and brand value.

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We will adopt a staged approach to delivering your Carbon Reduction Plan:-


Once appointed, we will have an in-person discovery meeting to define the consolidation approach so our teams can work together with a shared goal. We will understand your regulatory and compliance requirements together with your company goals for decarbonisation and environmental sustainability.

We will agree the boundaries to be set for what should be included in the plan and the project, identify the most appropriate baseline accounting year and identify all data owners that will work with us to collect the highest standard of data available.

Carbon Inventory Compilation

The nature of your business will inform the range of scope 3 categories to be included in the inventory and once agreed, we can be introduced to the data owners to share how the data should be collected and presented together with supporting documents as required. Vör will advise on all data collection and support from the outset how data owners can deliver their data using capture documents that are easy to understand and complete.


Vör will verify the supplied data to the highest reasonable levels and apply the Greenhouse Gas Protocol guidelines before sharing the accounts with clients.

Targets & Strategy Development

Once the accounts are completed and verified, we will discuss suitable and verifiable targets for carbon reduction together with projects and activities appropriate to your business that can be set to achieve your targets.

If desired, we will discuss and agree a strategy for short, medium and long-term decarbonisation with annual carbon budget setting and regular review dates to report progress, targets and activity adjustment and include a stakeholder engagement plan and data improvement plan for subsequent accounting periods.

Where appropriate and requested, we will discuss and agree a carbon offset strategy, identify appropriate offset partners and facilitate an agreement with them to provide an appropriate service.

We will work with you to align your carbon reduction plan to your existing environmental compliance initiatives and strategy such as ISO standards, ESG reporting or industry specific reporting platforms.


Communication & Documentation

We will support the creation of your Commitment Statement from the outset for online publication. VÖR will prepare a PPN06/21 compliant carbon reduction plan for online publication that complies with the technical standard. Company branding will be included in collaboration with your marketing department and additional compliance and policy documentation can be produced in line with the service level agreement.

“To find out where you’re going, you must know where you are”

- John Steinbeck

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Tailored Implementation

Because every business is unique, we will always align our approach to work with you to become one of your team and impact on your business as little as possible whilst delivering a bespoke package that will add value to your business whilst ensuring compliance with regulatory agencies and supply chain partners.

Personal Support

We understand that the compilation of inventories, interpretation of regulatory and compliance documents and alignment with stakeholder value chains can be a complex and daunting task that will inevitably raise many questions.

We are here to help. At the end of a phone or email, we will listen and give guidance on a personal level. We don’t use online platforms or chatbots, we are real people that will deliver real and meaningful support.

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Why VÖR?

​At VÖR we believe that every business is as unique as the individual employees that make it up. Our service is discovery based and conversational in nature to help us understand your business rationale, goals and environment and to create a measurable and unique decarbonisation strategy that will have value throughout your organisation.

We take the time to ask questions and guide our clients to collect the best possible data understand the ‘why, what, when and how?’ Building solid foundations for subsequent actions that will reduce carbon emission and provide a new lens to analyse commercial direction for the future.


Expert Guidance:

Our team of experts provides you with the knowledge and insights needed to navigate the complexities of carbon management.


Tailored Solutions:

We offer customised solutions that align with your business objectives and sustainability goals.


Technology-Driven Services:

Utilise our cutting-edge technology to accurately track and manage your emissions. Our  personal approach fuses with technology for the best of both worlds without monthly software fees and chatbot conversations. Real people with insightful solutions.

Contact Us 

Connect with us to explore how you can contribute to a sustainable future. Fill out the form below and let’s start making a difference together. We’re excited to hear from you!​

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who is VÖR?
    We are a company dedicated to supporting organisations on their decarbonisation journeys. We are female led team specialising in delivering a holistic and enduring package to our clients. Our personalised approach allows for improved relationships and understanding of our client’s business and goals in an ever-changing regulatory landscape.
  • What does VÖR do?
    Carbon accounting forms the foundations of meaningful decarbonisation actions. Tailored from outset, our work will align with and enhance existing environmental initatives whilst delivering plans for robust and achievable carbon reduction activity.
  • What is different about VÖR?
    Vör is not online based and there are no subscription plans or virtual helpdesks. We are all real people that will investigate and understand your sustainability needs and work alongside you to achieve your goals. Our ongoing personal support, by phone or email will address concerns and issues relating to alignment with other regulatory obligations to ensure you are compliant and your business is futureproofed.
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